
Our History

As far back as the 1960s, in an era dominated by cattle ranching, Roger was championing wildlife – translocating herds of plainsgame to his land (Humani, in Zimbabwe’s south-east lowveld) from areas where they were being shot out, to make way for cropping projects. During the 70s and 80s, Roger introduced rhino to the Save Valley – both white and the critically endangered black species – initiating what is arguably the most successful black rhino conservation story ever. During this period, Roger also harboured the only elephant herd remaining in the Save Valley, in the face of staunch opposition from his neighbours. Whilst the majority of landowners felt that cattle and wildlife could not co-exist, 

Roger knew they could and better – that wildlife was the more sound option, both environmentally and financially. Prompted to a large extent by the devastating drought of 1991/92 which wiped out the lowveld’s cattle herds, other landowners eventually began to see the logic in converting to wildlife, and the Save conservancy was subsequently established. Today, the Save conservancy is the largest privately owned conservation area in the world (800 000 acres) and a wildlife wonderland, with healthy populations of the big five and plains game species across the board. This state has been achieved against enormous odds, and through the years Roger Whittall has been at the forefront, as enthusiastic now as he ever was.

In conjunction with his son Guy, Roger Whittall proactively manages Roger Whittall Safaris and Humani to this day, maintaining the high standard he set in the dawn of his career, always striving to further the cause of wildlife and provide the true African experience for his many clients/friends around the world. Working closely with their crew of handpicked professionals, Roger and Guy operate prime areas in Zimbabwe and Mozambique, providing quality fair chase hunting safaris to the discerning African hunter – from the big five to the little five and everything between. As well as hunting their own concessions – Humani and Nungu/Messalo (Mozambique) – RWS conducts personalized safaris for select species in other first-rate areas, meticulously tailored to suit individual needs. 

Founded in 1977, Roger Whittall Safaris is well into its 4th decade of conducting big game hunting safaris in southern Africa. The exceptional reputation of this operation has been built on its ingrained policy of striving to ensure that client experiences surpass expectations. An extensive and ever growing list of overly satisfied clients/friends underlines the fact that this is constantly achieved. There is no substitute for on the ground experience, and no better proof of this than in-field results. Whether one is interested in heavy ivory, large mane, solid boss, spots or plainsgame, with either rifle or bow, or simply a relaxing family wilderness retreat, Roger Whittall Safaris is the gateway to the African adventure of a lifetime.